Prosthetic Products

Upper Extremity

Mind Controlled Everyday Protheses

The mind-controlled prosthetic arm makes it possible to perform movements in the joints as they were performed by the natural arm prior to amputation: intuitively and simultaneously.

Myoelectric Arm Protheses

Myoelectrically controlled arm prostheses are externally powered prostheses, which means that they are not driven by the muscle strength of the patient, but with the aid of electric power.

Cable-controlled Arm Prostheses

Cable-controlled arm prostheses are body-powered prostheses and are also called active prehensile arms.

Passive Arm Prostheses

Cosmetic, or so-called passive arm prostheses, are worn by people who consider their appearance very important. The prosthesis rounds out the image they have of their body.

Hybrid Prostheses

A hybrid prostheses combines two types of control in the same prosthesis.


Armliner fit intimately and are non-irritating to the skin.

Lower Extremity

Socket Technologies

Would you like to enjoy life to the fullest, with freedom and unrestricted mobility in your day-to-day activities? We make sure you can rely on your prosthesis at every step.

Hip Joint System

With the Helix3D hip joint system, O & P Clinics Of America is setting new fitting standards for hip joint amputees after a technology standstill that lasted several decades..

Knee Joints

We offer a wide range of knee joint products, such as the C-Leg, the 3R95, and the C-Leg compact. Our Mobility Grades will help you select the product which is suited for you.


Comfortably putting on shoes, playing tennis, and feeling safe in small rooms – our functional adapters provide you with more mobility, safety, and comfort.

Prosthetic Feet

A hybrid prosthesis combines two types of control in the same prosthesis.

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