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Welcome to Yale Surgical Co.

Welcome to Yale Surgical's official website. This site is intended to provide an overview of our company's services and practices.

Our Expertise

Yale Surgical is recognized as a leading provider of state-of-the-art services that offer immediate relief for your Orthotic, Prosthetic, and Pedorthic needs.


We have compiled a list of websites, videos, and other documents that we believe will provide great information for our patients.

Book an appointment today

Booking an appointment online is the quickest and easiest way to schedule.

American Board Certified

Both of our locations are American Board Certified (ABC) in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics.

Our Products

We offer an extensive list of products for prosthetics, orthoticspedorthics, and much more

BOC Certified

Both of our locations are certified by the Board of Certification/ Accreditation, International.

American Board Certified

Both of our locations are American Board Certified (ABC) in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics.

Our Products

We offer an extensive list of products for prosthetics, orthoticspedorthics, and much more

BOC Certified

Both of our locations are certified by the Board of Certification/ Accreditation, International.


Orthotic & Prosthetic Clinics of America is recognized as a leading provider of state-of-the-art services that offer immediate relief for your Orthotic, Prosthetic, and Pedorthic needs. We invite you to call or visit us with any questions, concerns or comments that you’d like to discuss.

Contact Us

Some Of Our Reviews

We are very proud of the service we provide and stand by every product we carry. Read our testimonials from our happy customers.

Have any questions? Let's get in touch!

Our staff is available to assist you in emergency situations by providing on call coverage 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If you have any further questions, please feel free to send us a message.

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